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Logistica Portuale L.P. SRL

The “Logistica Portuale L.P. SRL” company started up in 2004 from an entrepreneurial idea of two historical families of the Naples port area, the “Cecere family” and the “Martorelli family”, the former operating in the Port of Naples since 1929, when the Royal Decree n. 166 of 24/01/1929 was promulgated, aiming at reorganizing the ports of Italy and making obligatory the first authorizations to load and unload merchandise in bulk; the latter, i.e. the Martorelly family, together with Mercurio Sud SRL has been a leading company in the international transports for over 30 years.

The “Logistica Portuale L.P. SRL” company asked for the concession of a 533.00 sq. m small area in the Port of Naples located between the C.U.L.P. building and Silos Granari della Sicilia [= Grain Silos of Sicily] at Calata della Marinella.

The company was given said concession in 2006 and then, on request, it obtained also the authorization according to art. 16 section 1 of law 84/94 for carrying on the emptying and filling business of containers in this area. Once said concessions were given the L.P. company asked the Customs office for the authorizations required to carry on activities by those who work in the Port of Naples, being it a Customs area as a whole.

The L. P. company was given this authorization on 16/12/2006 under the name of Private Customs Warehouse of “C” type n. 380/n, then become 4596/M, licence of Direzione Regionale Dogane [= Customs Regional Department] for Campania and Calabria regions IT. NA 0133 of 18/05/2006.

By subsequent communications sent to the Regional Customs and the Revenue Office the Company obtained the authorization of VAT Deposit, too.

In November 2006 the company structure extended with the entrance of the partner Giuseppe Santalucia, a well-known shipping agent of the Port of Naples.

On 27/01/2010 the Company was given in concession an area adjacent to the previous one of about 1963.00 sq m, where there is a structure completely restructured by the company and used as office; in December of the same year the Naples Port Authority gave the loading and unloading authorization according to art. 16 of law 84/94 thus becoming the “Logistica Portuale L.P. srl” company a “PORT TERMINAL”.

In June 2011 the company was given by the Customs of Naples the authorization of Warehouse of Temporary Custody number 29N.

At present Logistica Portuale is thus in possession of all the authorizations provided for by the laws in force required to carry on all the operations of the port production cycle. 

In April 2017, the shareholder Gianni Martorelli left the social structure due to age limitations.

In October 2017 the works for the enlargement of the area begin for a further 178 MQ.